Tuesday, 16 December 2014


With the start of 2015 Sovereign enters its 34th year of trading and we look forward

to an exciting and challenging 2015 – particularly with the changes in pensions and

the coming Election!
2014 was generally a more stable year than the previous one with the UK economy

performing better than most. From a financial services viewpoint 2015 will really be a

Year of the Pension. The number of changes to pension rules due to take place from April

2015 are record breaking. They include removing many of the access rules to pensions

so that most individuals will be able to reach into their pension and take out as much as

they want. In another major change, people dying before age 75 will be able to leave their

pensions to anyone they want – and the beneficiaries will receive the lump sum or income

free of any tax!

And pensions are also a focal point of mortgage affordability calculations – with many

lenders going where previous lending approaches have not gone before – reducing the

amount you can borrow based on the amount of pension contribution you make, i.e.

treating it in the same way as a loan payment or credit card payment would be dealt with.

Pensions in 2015 will be the focal point of most smaller businesses as they feel the hot

breath of The Pensions Regulator on their neck. Tens of thousands of businesses will have

to deal with the compulsory Auto-Enrolment Workplace Pensions as they hit their Staging

Date (start date) in 2015, and hundreds of thousands of small businesses in 2016!

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

2015 - The Year Of The Pension !

(not the year of the Sheep as the Chinese would have us believe)

There are many changes to the pension rules coming up including accessing your pension pot, compulsory Auto-Enrolment and more.

 Watch this space as we unravel the mystery of pensions.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Tax Discs

A small point but worth knowing about is the coming change with Tax Discs for your car. From the 1st of October 2014 paper Tax Discs will no longer be issued. That saves you having to successfully negotiate the perforations without tearing it!