The Government, as it comes under pressure to make savings, continues to eye the tax advantages that pensions have – particularly as regards the tax-free cash that can be taken out. If you are looking to take your pension benefits, you might want to look to do that sooner rather than later. The same is true if you are looking to top-up your pension. Depending on your income currently you (or your company on your behalf) can put up to £40,000 per annum into your pension and get tax relief on it. For a basic rate taxpayer that means by contributing £32,000 he can get £8,000 from the Government to boost it up to the £40,000. A 40% taxpayer could end up with the £8,000 from the Government to boost it up to £40,000 and also get a further £8,000 in tax relief. It is worth reviewing your pension
planning. We can assist.