In the past when you reached “pension age” – usually 60 for women and 65 for men, you could take your tax-free cash but then the only option you had for the rest of the money was to purchase an “annuity”. An annuity is an income guaranteed for life.
The annuity rates have generally gone down in the past decade or two and the new pension freedoms have led many people to taking other options. However, it is still worth knowing what your options are as regards annuities as they can provide a guaranteed level of income for as long as you live.
Annuity providers work out what they can offer based on how long a person can be expected to live. Detailed records are kept as regards how long people live and what they die of. This allows the providers to work out pretty precisely a person’s life expectancy. Generally people are living longer due to better diets and the medical treatments available. While that is good for us, it is not good news for the annuity providers as that means they will have to pay out the income they have undertaken to provide for a longer time. Do remember that annuity providers are businesses so there needs to be an element of profit for them.
If you have a sum of money in your private pension, you can find out what sort of return you are likely to get by just asking for quotes. Quite a bit of information is needed for precise annuity quotes including:
1) your date of birth
2) details of any medical conditions and treatment you have (or have had in the past)
3) information about serious medical conditions your immediate family may have suffered or died from before age 60
4) whether you are a smoker or have been in the past, and the level of smoking
In asking for an annuity quote you will also need to specify whether you want the income that is paid
remain the same, or increase over the years; to continue to be paid to a spouse if you die before them; and how frequently you want the income paid, e.g. monthly, quarterly or annually. The more “bells and whistles” you want, the lower the starting level of the income will be. While normally an annuity stops on the death of the person concerned, it is possible to arrange an option whereby it will be paid out for a specified number of years whether or not the person concerned is alive or not. As a rough guideline, for someone in good health here are some approximate levels of income that can be bought with money from your pension (shown per £10,000 of purchase price for a male and with no spouse’s income). You can compare the return on your annuity investment against other investment options. Do remember that annuity income is taxed in the same way as earned income.
Age Level Annuity Annuity Increasing by 3% p.a. (Starting Level)