Monday 12 November 2012

Pensions – Looking For A Better Income

INCOME PLEASE – (after you have taken your tax-free cash)

Option 1: Take a guaranteed income for life (Annuity).

Option 2: Receive a higher guaranteed income for life due to an adverse medical condition or medical history or history of smoking (Enhanced Annuity).

Option 3: Take a fixed income for a period of time (usually 5 years) and have a guaranteed amount left at the end so you can then review your options (Temporary Annuity).

Option 4: Get an income which can possibly increase depending on the underlying investments (Investment Based Annuity).

Option 5: Leave your monies invested with the option to draw an income from the fund itself (Drawdown). There are two possibilities here. The first is called Capped Drawdown. With this one the maximum you can take is based on your age and the value of the pension fund. The second is called Flexible Drawdown. This allows you to take out as much as you want from your pension fund – but only if you already have a guaranteed pension income of at least £20,000 per annum (this can be made up of the State Pension and Private Pension income, but cannot be made up of other earned income or investment income.)

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