Monday, 22 January 2018


The Lifetime Mortgage provides a facility for borrowing based solely on your age and the value of the property. The older you are, the more you can borrow and you have the options of either paying just the interest for as long as you wish; making payments now and then; making regular payments so as to reduce the amount borrowed (as with a standard repayment mortgage); or letting the interest build up and be paid from the eventual sale of the property. Here is a sample of the maximum borrowing possible at various ages on a property with a value of £200,000:

Age 55       21% of value £42,000

Age 60       26% of value £52,000

Age 65       31% of value £62,000

Age 70       36% of value £72,000

Age 75       41% of value £82,000

Age 80       46% of value £92,000

Note: These are not guaranteed levels of borrowing. In some cases it may be possible to borrow

somewhat more than shown above, and in other cases, the borrowing may be less.

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